European policy, AI, Active Travel, sharing the knowledge and Machine Learning – all on this week’s Highways Voices

This week’s Highways Voices again features conversations from the south of France and the ITS European Congress 2022 in Toulouse.

This podcast is brought to you thanks to the support of our 2022 Congress sponsors SWARCO, and GEWI, who’ll also be supporting us heading to Los Angeles for the World Congress in September.

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In this week’s podcast we hear about European Commission transport priorities, along with a warning about money, before talking traffic management through AI and how to properly deliver active travel information to better manage the network.

There’s also a chat with the Connected Places Catapult about sharing best practice through the Manual for Smart Streets before we talk to an executive from Google Cloud about the transport industry’s need for more expertise in machine learning to get the most out of the data collected.

There’s also our partner news from our partners the Transport Technology Forum, ADEPT, ITS (UK) and LCRIG, and of course Adrian Tatum brings you top stories from the Highways News website and his Accolade this week.

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LCRIG website

ITS (UK) website

TTF website

Adept website


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