Fife Council is developing an Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan for the region that will set out the long term vision for a high-quality network of routes that enable people to walk, wheel and cycle more easily and safely in and around communities.
It says the network will be complemented by practical support and initiatives to encourage people to make more use of it.
People in the county are asked to provide their views on the Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan’s priorities and the draft network proposals via a survey, and by leaving comments on an interactive map. There will also be supporting face to face public engagement events held across Fife.
Local people are being asked to help share the active travel network and to help get the right overall aspiration, identify local barriers and opportunities, determine the right links for the network map and suggest which measures will encourage people to walk, wheel and cycle more.
Cllr Altany Craik, Spokesperson for Finance, Economy & Strategic Planning, said: “Our Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan will be highly ambitious. Improvements and increases in active travel will benefit our environment, our air quality and people’s physical and mental wellbeing. Wheeling is also a cheap and easy way to commute to work, travel to school or college, or pop to the local shops.
“We want local people to help keep us moving in the right direction. That’s why we want your views to shape a new active travel masterplan and why we’re asking as many people as possible to take part in this consultation and let us know what they think.”
The survey is here.
(Picture – Fife Council)