Flintshire gets funding for electric buses and charging infrastructure

The Welsh Government has invested £450,000 from its North Wales metro funding to provide electric buses and charging infrastructure for two Flintshire routes.

The investment will fund two electric bus vehicles which will serve routes to Buckley and Treuddyn, as well as the charging infrastructure to maintain them. The routes are part of Flintshire’s aim to link rural routes to main hubs in the county.

The vehicles will be housed at the council’s facility in Buckley which includes a solar farm allowing the buses to be charged using a locally generated renewable energy source. The new vehicles will be larger, to accommodate growing demand, and which will also allow social distancing should that be required.

Ken Skates, Transport and North Wales Minister said: “This North Wales metro development shows our commitment to invest in greener transport and is part of our drive to build back better following the covid-19 pandemic. The vehicles will be larger, meeting demand for use of the services, and allowing space for equipment such as strollers and walking frames making travel easy and convenient. It’s great to see the vehicles will be charged using solar power generated at the site in Buckley, an excellent example of sustainable green transport.”

Flintshire Council is providing £358,000 for the vehicles which is being match funded by the Welsh Government.

Flintshire Councillor Carolyn Thomas, Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside and Deputy Leader of the Council said: The funding will provide some welcome support to the Council’s aspirations to reduce its carbon footprint and will help provide a sustainable public transport service in both rural and urban areas of the County. The purchase of the two electric bus vehicles, along with the development of a key sustainable energy Hub, symbolises the start of a very exciting opportunity for the Council which will greatly contribute to the Council’s vision for a zero carbon future.”

The move comes after Mr Skates announced last week that over £16 million in transport grants, nearly £5 million of which will be spent on repairing the damage caused by storms at the start of this year, will be given out for essential work.


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