Ford developing headlights that track driver’s eyes

Ford filed an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for headlights that follow the direction of the driver’s eyes. The application, filed in early 2023, has just been published.

The application explains how a system in which headlamps are oriented according to the driver’s gaze would work. Ford says it could be used to detect obstacles on the road. For example, you’re driving in a straight line and think you see an animal on the side of the road. Your eyes could help you see it more clearly and perhaps avoid an accident. The same goes for a pedestrian or cyclist not wearing light-coloured or reflective clothing after dark, says Auto123.

Cars are equipped with object detection systems, but these devices are not always able to identify certain things, such as small animals. Eye-tracking and head-movement systems also exist, but they are individually too sensitive to be effective.

Ford proposes combining the two functions – eye tracking and head movement tracking – to determine what direction drivers are looking in. Before switching on the headlights in that direction, sensors will look for specific cues, such as whether the driver is looking through the windshield towards the roadway, and whether they’re turning their head completely in the direction their eyes are looking.

In 2015 it was reported by Motor Authority that Opel, then under General Motors, was working on similar technology. The website also mentioned that a recent change in US DFederal regulations concerning the use of matrix headlamps now allows automakers to consider this type of technology that is already legal in Europe.


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