Gearing up for UK’s leading active travel event – Cycle County Active County

Active Travel England’s annual summit, Cycle County Active County, is set to take place on 5-6 July in Oxford, bringing together representatives from government, local authorities, businesses, academia and key action groups.

Hosted by Oxfordshire County Council, Cycle County is a two day conference that shares knowledge, ideas, visions, best practice and expertise for active travel. Delegates explore how to effectively deliver better and more joined-up opportunities and options for moving around the UK without needing to rely on our cars.

This year’s event is organised by Landor Links and is supported by the Department for Transport and Active Travel England.

Councillor Dan Levy, Oxfordshire County Council Cycling Champion, said: “Oxford is proud to be a cycling city, and we have introduced some major changes to help cyclists, walkers and anyone who wants a more pleasant environment to make their journeys in, but there is more to do in the city and in our towns and villages. We look forward to sharing our efforts and learning from what other places are doing.”

During the event:

  • Local authorities will share expertise on creating and delivering effective local cycling and walking infrastructure plans for communities, counties and cities.
  • The Department for Transport and Active Travel England will look at critical issues in active travel and discuss the second cycling and walking investment strategy.
  • There will be workshops on effective accessibility, improving cycling and walking opportunities, and road safety including a session on Vision Zero led by Councillor Andrew Gant, Cabinet Member for Highways Management, and Alison Hill, Cyclox Chair.
  • A design and engineering session will be led by innovator and academic Erik Tetteroo, from the Dutch Cycling Embassy on hybrid oriented development – bike-inclusive urban planning.

By supporting and encouraging active travel (walking, wheeling, cycling, scooting and using public transport) the county council hopes to help improve people’s health and wellbeing, reduce traffic congestion and help address the climate crisis.

Councillor Andrew Gant, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways Management, said: “We are so pleased to be hosting Cycle County Active County for 2023 in our wonderful city of Oxford – a natural home to cycling. I am looking forward to a brilliant event, sharing industry leading knowledge and insight, and helping us towards a more resilient, sustainable and forward-thinking future.” 

Oxfordshire County Council outlines a clear vision to deliver a net-zero transport and travel system in its Local Transport and Connectivity Plan with initiatives set out in its Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan. The aim is to achieve zero carbon through a variety of positive interventions tailored to suit Oxfordshire communities.

Plans are designed to work with the unique features of the local environment, protect people’s safety in line with the council’s Vision Zero commitments and improve access to public transport. Such improvements together are intended to help make active travel a more natural first choice and contribute to rebalancing overall traffic density in the city and county.


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