HERE integrates what3words into in-car navigation

The mapping company HERE is adding innovative location referencing solution what3words into its navigation system, allowing drivers to navigate to any precise three metre square on the planet.

what3words has divided the world into a grid of squares and given each one a unique combination of three words. For example, the Highways News registered office address is ///uncle.nitrogen.nurture. what3words enables people to easily convey locations as specific as building entrances or parking spots and it provides easy location references in places with no street addresses, such as beaches, parks and remote hiking trails.

HERE’s map data services found in 150 million vehicles worldwide.

“HERE is the richest, most accurate and freshest mapping system on the market and it now comes with the easiest way to communicate a location,” said Chris Sheldrick, CEO and co-founder of what3word. “Using a traditional address in a vehicle can be a bad experience. They are clunky and lengthy to type, and even a voice assistant will often mishear you. Once the address is accepted, it won’t take you to a precise location, such as the specific entrance you need, it’ll route you to where the pin drops – which is often the centre of the building. By using what3words, drivers need simply to enter three words and know they will arrive at that precise 3-metre square. We are seeing increasing demand from automakers and mobility services. Now that we are embedded in HERE, we can enable our address system simply and easily in both new and legacy vehicles.”


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