High street regeneration put at risk by poor quality parking facilities, says WJ Group

New analysis by WJ Group shows local government investment in high street regeneration risks being undermined by poor quality parking provision. The findings are based on a survey of more than 600 UK drivers about their experiences of car parking provision, which found 73% believe car parks are being increasingly neglected in the UK.

While urban centres benefit from strong public transport links, that is not the case for many suburban or semi-rural market towns, where few options other than car travel are available. Research by the Local Data Company found that there were 37,700 fewer retail businesses between 2018 and 2022.

Since 2020, the government has invested £830 million into the Future High Streets Fund alongside an announcement in 2023 that 55 towns are to be given £20 million to revive these areas. These two schemes alone are worth nearly £1 billion.

Yet there is a risk that this investment is rendered less effective than it could be as a result of poor parking provision. WJ Group’s research found 90% of drivers under the age of 35 would spend more time at a retail park if the car park felt safe. This suggests that young people would be more likely to spend their money and purchase goods if they believed that their vehicle was in a secure location.

When asked what makes a good car park, drivers rated clear lines and good outdoor lighting as the most important (88%), alongside good surface condition (87%) and security cameras (81%). With these features in place, more than half of respondents said they would pay more for a parking ticket (52%), which points towards the risk of lost revenue for local authorities.

Meanwhile, a location with missing, faded or excessively narrow line markings would lead to three quarters of respondents to feel anxious about parking their vehicle at the location. As a result, there is a proposed risk that shoppers may not stay at a location resulting in lower revenue.

Wayne Johnston, CEO at WJ Group said: “With 73% of drivers saying that car parks are being increasingly neglected in the UK, local authorities need to ensure that they are investing in this vital service and breaking the trend. The shopping journey doesn’t start once the customer walks through the shop door but instead when they park their vehicle, so if adequate services are not available, consumers will simply shop elsewhere.

“Local authorities can ensure investment doesn’t go to waste by improving their car parks and implementing a regular proactive maintenance schedule to address any issues as soon as they arise. This simple step means customers will know that when they travel to their local high street that their vehicle will be safe. Local authorities are putting a considerable amount of effort to enhance their local community so they shouldn’t let parking get in the way of it being a great success.”



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