Highland Council takes another step toward improving active travel in Inverness

The Highland Council has taken another step towards improving walking, wheeling and cycling in the city and help tackle the climate and ecological emergency declared in 2019.

Planning permission has now been granted (planning reference: 22/00849/FUL) for a new active travel route that will connect the National Cycle Network in Inverness between Cradlehall Business Park and Inverness Campus.

The works will involve upgrading the current earth-beaten track into a wider, tarmac-surfaced route for active travel, making a safer, more direct and convenient car-free link in this part of the city.

Preparatory work is underway to safeguard potential archaeology as well as trees, with construction works expected to commence this August.

Chair of Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Ken Gowans said: “It is great to see this Low Carbon Travel and Transport Challenge Fund project reach the implementation stage.

“This is a popular route for communities in the east of the city, and upgrading it will send a clear message that The Highland Council is committed to supporting people to choose walking, wheeling and cycling for everyday journeys.

“Doing so will help us to tackle the climate and ecological emergency, reduce vehicle congestion, and improve our health and wellbeing.”

Vice Chair of Highland Council’s Climate Change Committee, Cllr Kate Willis, commented: “Continued development of the Active Travel network, along with events such National Bike Week, Clean Air Day earlier this month, and the Highland Climate Festival (starting on 25 June), will make it even easier to walk, wheel and cycle.

“This will not only help improve air quality in the city, but will also enable people to do their bit to reduce their reliance on environmentally unfriendly vehicles.”


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