Highways staff in Tameside encourage men to open up about domestic abuse

Tameside Council highways maintenance staff are getting behind a campaign encourage male victims of domestic abuse to seek support.

One in six men experience domestic abuse – but they are far more likely than women to keep it a secret. Last year only 113 males accessed domestic abuse support in Tameside compared to 1224 females.

The council is currently running its Open Up campaign to raise awareness of the support available for male victims of domestic abuse.

Domestic abuse isn’t just physical violence, it can be controlling and coercive behaviours such as controlling someone’s money or controlling who they see and where they go.

There is support available for ALL victims of domestic abuse – men and women and people of all ages and from backgrounds.

Local cricket teams recently got behind the campaign and now council highways staff are highlighting the message that it is okay for men to open up.

Tameside Council Executive Member for population health Cllr Eleanor Wills said: “Male victims of domestic abuse may feel very alone but one in six men have experienced domestic abuse, that’s at least one person within your sports team, workplace or group of mates at the pub.

“We want to highlight that getting help is the strong thing to do and hope the campaign will reach out to all men – whatever their jobs, interests or backgrounds – and encourage them to open up and get support and practical help.”


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