Innovate UK, KTN and HE in Connecting the Country briefing

Innovate UK, Highways England and the Knowledge Transfer Network are hosting an online event on 7 July showcasing 15 projects delivered under the “Connecting the Country” strategy.

The webinar, from 10-4 will hear from the projects and their sponsors at Highways England; all have completed or are near completion and were successful in an SBRI competition looking at six areas covering Design, Construction & Maintenance, Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Customer Mobility, Energy Environment, Operations and Air Quality.

Anyone interested in any of the six technical areas, as a potential developer, customer or investor is invited to attend, as well as those involved with a Local Authority.

In addition there will be two keynote addresses from Highways England about future vision and strategy, along with the needs that this competition fulfilled.

Signing up for this event gives access to all of the sessions running across the day. All sessions are optional and there will also be an opportunity to network with other delegates via 1:1 video chat and direct messaging.

Sign up here!


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