ITS Nationals and ERTICO announce closer cooperation

The Network of National ITS Associations (ITS Nationals) is strengthening its ties with ERTICO-ITS Europe, as the two organisations continue to work together to make their partnership stronger.

ITS Nationals, which has an objective to ensure that ITS knowledge and information is transmitted to all its members across the region, has accepted an invitation from ERTICO’s CEO, Joost Vantomme, to join the ERTICO Strategy Committee as a permanent member.  Vice Chair, Dónal Hodgins will attend quarterly meetings of the Committee, which provides an advisory role to the Supervisory Board of ERTICO.  His presence, representing the 28 national ITS organisations will support closer cooperation between the two entities and improve cohesiveness between European ITS stakeholders.

Mr Vantomme has also invited ITS Nationals Chair, Günther Weber, to represent the organisation for a dedicated agenda slot at the ERTICO Supervisory Board Meetings at regular intervals as this will reinforce common goals and cement relationships further.

Furthermore, Mr Vantomme suggest the ITS Nationals to become an official member of the Board of Directors for the ITS World Congresses and Martin Russ, Managing Director of ITS Austria, will be the ITS National’s representation. Mr Russ has a long experience and history in organising and promoting large events for the ITS community, including the ITS World Congress in Vienna in 2012.

“The work delivered by ERTICO-ITS Europe and the ITS Nationals Network across Europe complement each other very well,” explained Günther Weber. “While ERTICO-ITS Europe liaises with the European institutions and wider international governance bodies and delivers high-level thought leadership and stakeholder engagement, the Network delivers expertise at a local level among innovators in almost every country on the European continent. By collaborating and sharing our expertise innovation and ideas, ITS Nationals benefits the entire ITS industry and helps to advance digitalisation and servicesto deliver safer, greener and more cost effective transportation compared totraditionalsolutions.”

“Since my first day as CEO of ERTICO – ITS Europe in January 2022, I wanted to foster a close dialogue and connect the dots with the ITS associations at national level. Pleased to see this come true. Both of us complement each other and voice the value of smart and sustainable mobility with concrete deliverables for citizens and business”, comments Joost Vantomme, CEO of ERTICO.“We are one ITS family with each of us having our own action radius. 1+1=3 in this elevated partnership. More to come on our cooperation!”

ITS Nationals is supporting and will be represented at the ITS European Congress in Lisbon from 22 – 24 May.

(Picture shows members of the ITS Nationals team including Chair Günther Weber, third from right with Joost Vantomme, second from right, courtesy of ITS Nationals/ERTICO)


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