ITS UK and MaaS Scotland sign partnership agreement

Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK), the industry association for transport technology, and MaaS Scotland, Scotland’s membership body for the MaaS sector (managed by Technology Scotland), have signed a partnership agreement for the mutual benefit of both organisations and the wider transport sector.

Over the past few years, MaaS Scotland and ITS UK have been working increasingly together to support the greater integration of the transport network across the UK. Going forward, the new agreement will see both organisation’s benefit from further co-operation in the promotion of Mobility as a Service.

The partnership agreement will see:

  • Mutual support for both organisation’s events and activities;
  • Co-operation on policy development and advocacy of MaaS; and
  • Opportunities to work more closely together to support each organisation’s memberships and the wider industry.

Max Sugarman, Chief Executive of Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK), said: “With a General Election and major transport funding decisions approaching, now is a critical time for the MaaS sector and for discussions around the role of technology in supporting a more integrated transport network. So, it is vital that the industry is working together to make the case for a strategic approach to MaaS, both in Westminster, Holyrood and across the devolved nations and regions of the UK.

“That is why it is great to be partnering with MaaS Scotland, building upon the already strong relationship between the two organisations. By working together, we can support collaboration, information exchange and advocacy for the sector, ensuring MaaS is a key priority for transport decision makers over the coming months and years ahead.”

Ally McInroy, Chief Executive at Technology Scotland said: The next few years are going to be hugely significant for the development and deployment of MaaS across the UK. The ongoing pilot projects funded through the MaaS Investment Fund and Future Transport Zones are providing much needed evidence of the real-world impact of MaaS, but we must now look beyond these projects and ensure that we are positioned for further upscale of these digital solutions in future.

“Leadership will be crucial during this period, and we are excited to partner with ITS UK to ensure that the collective voice of our members, and the wider transport technology community, can help to shape our shared ambition of an integrated, sustainable and accessible transport future.” 


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