ITS (UK) Technical Director reminds members of Forums’ knowledge sharing value

ITS (UK) members are being reminded of the value of the range of Forums offered for people to learn the latest developments in ITS, to discuss ideas and share knowledge with industry colleagues.

The Society currently has 15 Forums covering active travel, connected vehicles, early careers, enforcement, freight, inclusive mobility, ITS data, maritime, mobility as a service, public transport, road user charging, smart environment, urban authorities, user behaviour and women in ITS.

ITS (UK) Technical Director Colin Wilson, who is UK Design and Consulting Lead at IBI Group, has written a short blog post highlighting the Forums’ role, explaining, “Our Forums cover the broad spectrum of what we know as “ITS” today. They provide platforms for members to share knowledge, to exchange ideas and to meet fellow members with similar interests. The Forums also provide a route for members to contribute to ITS (UK) publications including responses to Government consultations in areas of interest to the ITS industry.”

He explains the way knowledge is shared through meetings with guest speakers, and that Forums provide a route to respond to government consultations.  His is the first of a series of blog posts from Chairs of the different Forums explaining their objectives, activities and what they have achieved.

“Our Forums are only as successful as their members make them and all actively encourage new participants,” Colin Wilson concludes.  “The ITS (UK) weekly email and the website list the planned Forum meetings. If you want to get involved in any of these Forums, please contact the ITS (UK) Secretariat and they can put you in touch with relevant Officer.”

You can read the blog post here.

ITS (UK) is an independent membership society of private and public sector transport technology-related organisations plus academia.  To join the network of more than 150 members large and small, please click here.

(Picture – ITS (UK) Early Careers Forum meeting)


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