JCT offers cut-price Symposium places to Early Careers Professionals

The organisers of the popular JCT Traffic Signals Symposium are offering people new to the industry heavily discounted tickets to the event in September.

The Symposium shares best practice in the signals industry through a programme of learned papers covering a range of topics including road safety, traffic management research, asset management and on-street intelligence, with a strong focus on non-motorised users.

In order to support knowledge sharing among more people, the Symposium is offering 70% off tickets for up to three Early Careers Professionals from any organisation to attend the 2024 Symposium and Exhibition.  That means they pay £110 each, a discount of £270 on a full price ticket.

The offer is available to Local Authorities and Consultancies and can be taken up by making a simple declaration. To qualify for a Sponsored place the Early Careers Professional must meet the following criteria:

•          They are attending with a delegate from their organisation paying full price

•          They are working in Traffic Signals, Transport Planning, ITS, Highway design Management or associated field for a Local Authority or Consultancy.

•          They have only been in their current post for 3 years or less (at the time of booking).

•          They have not attended previous Symposia as a Delegate or Speaker

JCT Director John Nightingale, who organises the event said: “We see this as an important initiative to encourage newcomers to our industry to engage with the Signals community and forge lasting links with our most experienced cohort. As time goes on these people may be the senior personal in their organisations and we want to introduce them to the excellent CPD and networking opportunities that the Symposium has been providing for the last 28 years.”

The programme for this year is almost complete, and being finalised at the moment, while the exhibition stands are also almost sold out.  More details of the programme and exhibition will be shared in March.

The Symposium takes place at Nottingham Trent University on 11 and 12 September with the MOVA User Group and welcome networking barbecue the day before.  Click here for details.

(Picture – JCT)


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