JCT Symposium ’21 presentations available to view online as 2022 call for papers opens

Some of the best knowledge sharing around traffic signals and related matters is now available free of charge, as the videos of the 2021 JCT Traffic Signals Symposium are made available on YouTube.

The event, which attracted hundreds of delegates to Nottingham last autumn, features a wide range of expert speakers to the two-day conference.

You can watch all the videos, thanks to the production expertise of Highways News and the generous sponsorship of  AGD SystemsCOLASSRLSmart Video & SensingVivacity and Yunex Traffic.

Watch here.

All the papers are also available to download.

Organiser John Nightingale is now calling for papers for 2022. If you would like to present then send a Working Title and a One Paragraph Synopsis to  [email protected].

Bookings are being taken here.

(Picture – Andrew Walker of SWARCO presenting and being recorded at JCT 2021)


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