Junction improvement project in Somerset town wins national award

A multi-million pound scheme to improve the roads in Yeovil, Somerset roads has been recognised with a national award.

The Somerset County Council schemes, which faced public criticism, were completed over 18 months and were put in place to upgrade the town’s western corridor, with a number of roundabouts becoming signal-controlled junctions.

In total, six junctions along the length of Yeovil’s main western artery were redeveloped by July 2019 – including implementing the town’s first “through-about” – with a total of 145 new traffic lights installed.

The scheme was intended to increase the roads’ capacity and improve traffic flow as new housing developments and employment sites were delivered. Many residents said the schemes had actually made journeys across the town longer.

But the scheme has now been given a silver award from the Considerate Constructors National Site Awards, which took place virtually at the end of September.

The improvements to Yeovil’s western corridor were delivered by contractor, Alun Griffiths.

The scheme was praised by the awards body for ‘demonstrating excellent consideration towards the public, its workforce and the environment’ throughout the construction period.

Dr Simon Dunn, operations director at Alun Griffiths, said: “We were proud to have been part of the successful delivery of the Yeovil western corridor improvements, and were grateful for the support and patience of the travelling public during the improvement works.

“Given the location of the scheme and impact on the local residents and businesses, we worked alongside the council to deliver community benefits in line with our sustainability challenge commitments.

“To have these achievements recognised nationally by the Considerate Constructors Scheme is testament to the hard work of the project team and the focus they gave to supporting local communities, ensuring the welfare and safety of the workforce and minimising our impact on the environment while improving the image of construction.”

Councillor John Woodman, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said: “I’m incredibly proud of our major projects team, and it’s fantastic to see their hard work again recognised by industry experts at a regional and national level.

“The competition for these prizes is fierce and our highways schemes have beaten off some really well-known projects to win – showing we truly are leading the way here in Somerset.

“I’d like to thank our staff, Alun Griffiths and all our contractors and partners who have helped deliver this hugely complex scheme so effectively.”


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