Junction improvements near Norwich get go-ahead

A National Highways project to improve the A47 – A11 Thickthorn Junction on the outskirts of Norwich has been granted development consent by the Transport Secretary. 

The application involves the improvement of the interchange between the A47 and A11, improving access into Norwich. The project consists of two new uni-directional slip roads connecting the A11 south to the A47 east with widening and full signalisation of Thickthorn Interchange the gyratory. The side road strategy will include mitigation measures for the severance issue caused to Cantley Lane South.

The application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration by National Highways on 31 March 2021 and accepted for Examination on 28 April 2021.

Following an Examination during which the public, Statutory Consultees and Interested Parties were given the opportunity to give evidence to the Examining Authority, recommendations were made to the Secretary of State on 20 June 2022.

This is the 117th Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and 44th transport application to have been examined by The Planning Inspectorate within the timescales laid down in the Planning Act 2008.

The Planning Inspectorate’s interim Chief Executive, Navees Rahman said:

“The Planning Inspectorate has now examined more than 100 nationally significant infrastructure projects since the Planning Act 2008 process was introduced, ensuring local communities, the local authority and other interested parties have had the opportunity of being involved in the examination of projects that may affect them.

“The Examining Authority listened and gave full consideration to all local views and the evidence gathered during the Examination before making its recommendation to the Secretary of State.”

(Picture – National Highways)


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