LGA launches new advice for local authorities to help decarbonise transport

The Local Government Association (LGA) has launched new advice developed by experts at the University of Leeds on practical actions local authorities can take to decarbonise transport.

The Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned a team led by Professor Greg Marsden and Professor Jillian Anable, both from the Institute for Transport Studies at Leeds, to develop the policy briefings.

Priorities for the briefings were developed in collaboration with councillors and officers from 27 local authorities, at workshops which took place in London and Leeds in early 2020 before the Covid-19 lockdown began.

The briefings offer timely guidance to councils on how transport decarbonisation can support a climate-smart recovery. Councillor David Renard, Chairman of the LGA’s Environment, Economy, Housing & Transport Board, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to revaluate how our transport networks operate but they have not altered our commitment to reaching net zero.

“Recovery from the crisis must be compatible with our decarbonisation ambitions and our briefing notes are mindful of both the new reality we are in and the opportunity we can grasp as part of a green recovery.”

While most sectors have reduced their carbon emissions in recent years, emissions from transport have remained stubbornly high, and radical changes are now needed if the UK is to meet our target of zero carbon emissions from surface transport by 2050.

Professor Greg Marsden, who led the project and is the director of the DecarboN8 network  said: “Different councils face different transport challenges, but everywhere has to act – and to act now. We cannot continue to pass the buck to our neighbours or to the next generation.

“Our work shows what councils can do today to help cut climate emissions and improve the places where we live and work.”


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