Local Authorities to get details of innovative EV charging solutions at TTF Working Group meeting

The Transport Technology Forum’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Working Group will share the latest innovations on roadside charging solutions during an in-person meeting in Bolton later this month.

The group, which aims to help Local Authorities develop an unbiassed distribution of EV charging infrastructure across UK will discuss kerbside charging infrastructure, including pop-up chargers, gullies and overhead charging, as well as how to manage use of chargers and kerbside management.

There will also be discussions around automated fleet charging and cyber security, as well as an update from the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles and Transport for the North.

The meeting is sponsored by Grid Smarter Cities, which will explain its kerbside management solution that allows fleets to book a parking and charging slot in advance, giving them the confidence that they can charge their vehicle when they need to.  “With Local Authorities facing increasing demands for their kerbside EV chargers, we know they are looking for innovative ways to safely enable more flexible use of the kerb space and offer equitable access for all,” explained the company’s Strategic Partnership Director Toby Hiles.  “The TTF gives suppliers an opportunity to meet with authorities to understand and discuss their needs, and update them on the supply chain’s innovative solutions that can help them meet their existing and future challenges, and we are proud to support their work.”

“Our EV Charging Infrastructure Working Group has already delivered a simple starter guide aimed at helping local authorities understand the challenges around delivering on-street charging networks as well as a 12-page summary to help them successfully procure the technology,” added Working Group Chair Shamala Gadgil.  “Our group is tasked with ensuring accessibility, affordability, and sustainability, while promoting collaboration between public sector, private sector, and the communities.  This meeting looks at existing practical solutions to help with charge point delivery, and this meeting will fulfil our aims.”

The meeting takes place at Bolton Town Hall on 21 February.  To sign up, click here.

(Picture – Grid Smarter Cities)


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