London’s mayor details plans to speed up buses

London’s mayor Sadiq Khan has given details on how Transport for London is working to speed up the capital’s buses.

The website MyLondon quotes him as telling the London Assembly: “Transport for London is taking numerous actions to improve the speed, performance and journey time reliability of bus services. This includes working with boroughs to reduce congestion on their roads and to improve the management of roadworks.

“TfL is also developing new infrastructure to re-time and optimise traffic signals to improve overall throughput of traffic which will benefit bus services. Rollout of the new iBus system in 2026 will enable more, faster and accurate deployment of bus priority at traffic signals. TfL is also making progress on the commitment to implement an additional 25km of bus lanes by the end of 2025.

“TfL is working closely with bus operators to ensure reliable performance of bus services and will be using the latest schedule optimising platform to optimise bus schedules so that the benefits of the work to speed up buses are reflected in bus timetables.”

(File picture – Transport UK)


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