Major road improvement scheme moves to next phase

A major road improvement scheme to the north of Stafford moves to its next phase this weekend.

The project has seen the construction of a roundabout junction to provide access to the new Pets at Home development on the A34, which is now open. It is expected to employ more than 750 people when fully operational.

Staffordshire County Council’s highways team is building a new roundabout on the A34 to provide access to the development. The works have been funded by commercial property developer Stoford.

A full closure will be needed this Friday August 25 from 8pm until 6am the following morning between the Redhill and Aston roundabouts to enable the next phase to begin. There will be controlled access to properties, including Pets at Home and the Greyhound pub and a signed diversion in place.

From Saturday August 26, temporary restrictions including a 30mph speed limit and 3.65m width restriction will remain in place. Whitgreave Lane will be reopened and the new roundabout will open to traffic.

The highways scheme includes improved cycling and pedestrian facilities, a signalised crossing, new bus stops and improved street lighting. It is scheduled for completion late this year.

Staffordshire County Council’s cabinet member for highways and transport David Williams said: “We’re now reaching the final stages of this project which provides access to the new Pets at Home development which will create hundreds of jobs in our county.

T”o begin the next phase we unfortunately need to put in an overnight closure on overnight this Friday, with temporary restrictions in place afterwards.

We’d like to thank people for their understanding while work continues and we look forward to its completion later this year.”


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