Manual for Smart Streets explained

One of the authors of a major new reference document for local authorities to make their roads more efficient has issued a blog post explaining more about it.

Mobility Integration Team Lead at Connected Places Catapult, Daniel Hobbs, is working with colleagues and the Transport Technology Forum on the Manual for Smart Streets, which highlights guge advances in transport technology that will deliver efficient and safer mobility quickly and cost-effectively.

In the post, Mr Hobbs writes, “It is important Local Authorities understand the value of the solutions, and how to maximise the benefits. Therefore the Manual for Smart Streets has been born. This manual provides help to local authorities in using technology to deal with traffic management.”

He explains that the manual includes details on how traffic signals will develop to connect to vehicles into the future, how new sources of data can link into implementing other services in the local authority, information for how people could move around, and providing a wider control and management of the network to the local authority.

He continues, “My whole working life has been spent supporting local authorities in delivering technology in transport. I started off working with the traffic control systems, pliers in hand, implementing traffic control systems. I then went into consultancy helping different authorities implement their systems. Understanding how technology is moving, how to implement change has always been the issue. Whether it is operational or technological, that’s why the Manual for Smart Streets is so important.”

Read the whole blog post here.

The official launch event takes place on 21 March. Sign up here.

(Picture – Connected Places Catapult)


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