Midlands Highways Alliance Plus (MHA+) starts search for civil engineering contractors for new Professional Services Partnership 4 framework

Midlands Highways Alliance Plus (MHA+) has started its search for civil engineering contractors to bid for a framework that includes £960 million worth of highway, civil and municipal engineering works.

The new Professional Services Partnership 4 (PSP 4) is set to start on August 28 was started for the provision of civil engineering professional services, not physical works.

Instead, the PSP 4 Framework scope includes all services required for the execution of the design and supervision of highway, civil and municipal engineering works, according to the tender document published on Construction Index.

The PSP 4 Framework Agreement is based upon the NEC 4 Framework Contract (June 2017), and is split into two lots, one for Consultancy Services and one for Temporary Professional Staff & Secondments.

The Scope of the PSP 4 Framework is broad and intended to cover all aspects of MHA+ Members’ highways related requirements. This may be in relation to wider highway service delivery as well as delivery of the capital works programme. The work may be packaged as projects that cover complete scheme delivery or specific tasks or specialisms to enable authorities to deliver a range of services, including major highway improvements, highway maintenance and road safety projects, town centre regeneration schemes and transport studies.

Typical services may involve, but not exclusively relate to: highway improvements, highway maintenance, highway infrastructure works (including bridges, subways, culverts and retaining walls), public realm works (town centre enhancements), drainage improvements, canal works and other infrastructure works such as waste management facilities.

A more comprehensive list of services included within the framework scope is included at Annex A to this Framework Information.

For the purposes of this tender process, Leicestershire County Council is acting as the Client and the Contracting Authority on behalf of the Midlands Highway Alliance Plus (MHA+). Once the Framework Agreement is awarded, any organisation who is a member of the MHA+ (this includes any organisation that may become a member during the Framework Term), will be able to place an Order under it with a Framework Supplier. Each Order will create a separate, stand-alone contract between the MHA+ Member who placed it and the Supplier. Leicestershire County Council will have no liability except in relation to Orders which it places itself.

The estimated total value of the framework (all Lots) is a range between £120,000,000 – £960,000,000. The higher range of this value banding reflects forecasts based on all extension options being taken and factoring in projected growth and estimated inflation.

Against each Lot only the highest estimated range has been provided.

Further information is available at: Professional Services Partnership 4 (PSP4) on behalf of Midlands Highways Alliance Plus (MHA+): | Construction Tenders | The Construction Index


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