More safe cycle infrastructure and pedestrian improvements on the way as Nottingham City Council wins Active Travel England Funding

Nottingham City Council has this week accepted over £1.7million from the Active Travel Fund, following a rigorous bidding process.

The funding has been allocated specifically for investment along Porchester Road in Mapperley – a key part of the strategic cycle network which connects sustainable transport investment currently taking place on Carlton Road and complements last year’s Active Travel Funded project on St Ann’s Well Road, where works begin later this summer.

The council was awarded the full grant, in a reflection of its track record of building safe walking and cycling routes – earlier this year Active Travel England ranked Nottingham as one of the top five councils in the country for cycling and walking ambition and delivery.

The funding will enable the council to deliver a far more modern pedestrian and cycling-friendly scheme, with clear segregation from traffic.

The City Council expects to hold a public consultation later this summer, where local residents, cyclists and people who commute through the area will have a chance to give their views and suggestions on the designs which are currently being developed.

Councillor Angela Kandola, Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport and Planning said: “I’m proud and excited that Nottingham City Council has been awarded this money to create a safe cycling route along Porchester Road in Mapperley.

“We know we still have a long way to go to provide safe North-South cycle routes, but this funding along with the projects on Carlton Road and St Ann’s Well Road begin to make that a reality, as well as providing children at Hogarth School with a safe route to school.”


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