MSP gives cautious welcome to new A9 timescales

A Labour member of the Scottish Parliament welcoming new timeframes put in place for dualling the A9 and A96, but is stressing that much of the actual construction work will not be carried out until the end of the project and MSPs need to keep the pressure on the Scottish Government until then to ensure timeframes don’t slip again.

The Inverness Courier newspaper quotes Rhoda Grant is reacting to comments from new Scottish Transport Secretary Fiona Hyslop promising the A9 from Perth to Inverness will be dualled by 2035.

Mrs Grant is quoted as saying: “Like everyone else in the room… I had a fear that these timescales and promises could slip again. It is however my job, and that of every elected politician in the Highlands to ensure timescales do not slip and to seek regular assurances from the Scottish Government that all is on time.

“People in the Highlands and Islands are angry and let down by the Scottish Government and there is, very understandably, trepidation about the plans going forward.

“The cabinet secretary designate, Fiona Hyslop, said the A9 is the transport backbone of Scotland and we need to get the promised work done to improve safety and journey times.”

(Picture – Transport Scotland)


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