New protocol set to help traffic flow during planned and emergency roadworks in West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire Council has introduced a protocol bringing together both the legislative responsibilities and local requirements for agencies who carry out roadworks on the road network with the ultimate aim of preventing gridlock in our towns.

As the roads authority, the Council have a duty to manage and coordinate all roadworks within the public road network it is responsible for maintaining.

The Protocol for Road Works on Traffic Sensitive Roads provides guidance and raises awareness to agencies, clearly setting out the legal requirements which need to be met by organisations carrying out works on the road network.

Chief Officer of Roads and Neighbourhood, Gail Macfarlane said: “Roadworks ultimately improve the local network but while they are being carried out we understand they can be disruptive for motorists, pedestrians and those using public transport.

“In order to ensure our networks can run smoothly, we will be implementing this protocol which brings together the regulations we currently have into one key document.

“It ensures that organisations which are carrying out works do so in a reasonable timescale and that emergency works are such that they cannot wait to be carried out. The roads department will liaise closely with agencies to ensure that they are aware of the protocol and that they comply.”



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