New team takes to the roads to tackle flytipping in Shropshire

A dedicated flytipping response team will take to the roads from shire Council looks to clamp down on unsightly and illegally dumped waste.

The team will be out and about five days a week in a new flytippng response vehicle, following up reports of flytipping on public land, and looking for cases that have yet to be reported.

They will clear flytips – or arrange for them to be cleared – and will also look for and record evidence that will enable the offenders to be identified, and to pursue enforcement.

The use of smartphones will mean that information can be recorded and shared more quickly, easily and accurately.

And using a new double-crewed vehicle with a tail lift they will be better able to remove heavy and larger items more effectively.

The new approach – a partnership between Shropshire Council and Kier – will enable the council to respond more quickly to reports of flytips, and make sure they are removed more quickly.

It will also help to save the council money, and mean that the council’s environmental maintenance team can also spend more time dealing with vandalism, littering, graffiti and other issues.

Ian Nellins, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member with responsibility for environmental maintenance, said: “There is no excuse for anyone to be dumping their rubbish. Not only is it a criminal offence, it’s unsightly and potentially dangerous for the environment and public health. It also affects the whole community as council taxpayers end up with the bill for the clean-up operation.

“By improving the way we investigate – and respond to reports of – flytipping we’ll be able to make sure waste is cleared more quickly, better investigate those responsible with a view to taking action, and hopefully deter people from dumping their waste in the first place.

“We ask anyone who spots flytipping to contact us so that we can make sure it is dealt with. The message is, report it and we’ll sort it.”


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