Norfolk villages to get investment to improve roads as part of Popular Parish Partnership scheme

Nearly 100 Norfolk villages could be sharing over £770,000 to improve their roads.

Up to 95 communities across Norfolk are looking set for new locally-important highway schemes.

The Popular Parish Partnership scheme, which began in 2011, has seen £9.5m million spent on schemes including trods, village gateways, bus shelters and vehicle-activated signs.

Graham Plant, Norfolk County Council cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transport, said: “It’s exciting to see that for the first time this year the scheme will be funding the installation of electric vehicle charging points.

“These small but important improvements continue to make a difference to local communities.”

Schemes up for funding this year also include 13 new bus shelters, 20 vehicle-activated speed signs, 15 village gateways, and nine new trod paths.

If approved, this year’s funding of £770,675 would be made up of a £344,781 contribution from Norfolk County Council, matched by the same amount from Town and Parish councils, and £40,556 from the Norfolk Safety Camera Partnership.


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