Northumbria Police increase speed camera site list

Speed enforcement in Northumbria is being widened to take in many streets not previously eligible for camera van deployment.

The local police force says Operation Modero is in response to resident complaints in the county, meaning residents who have concerns that speeding is taking place in their community will be able to contact the Force who could then deploy camera vans in their area.

Previously to be a camera van location, the road had to meet a number of criteria, including community complaints, speed surveys and a history of collisions resulting in serious injury or death. Now, although the roads will still need to meet some criteria, the new wide area enforcement strategy will see a huge increase in the areas where the vans will be deployed.

“Many residents complained that authorities were waiting for a serious or fatal collision to take place before we carried out enforcement on their street,” explained Sergeant Paul McIntosh, leading the initiative. “Operation Modero could address those concerned about speeding in their community.”

Picture: Camera van parked on Stakeford Lane in Choppington which is one of the roads that may see the camera deployed on as part of the new operation. Picture features PC David Smith and Andy Waters who is the interim lead for the NSRI.


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