ORR: England’s strategic road network faces ‘significant challenges and uncertainty’

The benefits to road users from the second road investment strategy (RIS2, running from 2020-2025) for England’s strategic road network risk not being delivered in full, regulator the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) has warned.

In its annual assessment of National Highways’ performance for the 12 months from April 2023, ORR will say that the company has met a number of its targets, including those on pavement condition, incident clearance and the impact of roadworks on road users.

However, the company is at risk of missing key performance indicators it must achieve by next March, including average delay, the timeliness and accuracy of roadworks information, and the number of people killed or seriously injured on the strategic road network. These targets are not fully in National Highways’ control, but the company must demonstrate that it is doing all it can to positively influence them.

These targets were set out in the government’s second road investment strategy, which details what the company should deliver with the funding it has been provided.

Of the enhancements commitments that National Highways was tasked with achieving in RIS2, the company has successfully delivered 37, while target dates have been missed for 11. The primary reasons within National Highways’ control for non-delivery are the company’s supply chain management and poor asset data.

The company has also had to manage significant uncertainty in its portfolio and funding in the last year because of legal challenges to planning decisions, high inflation, and delays in government decisions.

Looking towards the final year of RIS2, National Highways now needs certainty as to the commitments it is required to deliver and the available funding to do so.

If the company is to deliver successfully for road users and taxpayers, decisions that were held up by the General Election need to be finalised, so that the company can adjust its programme and resources.

It is also important that National Highways improves its evidence to demonstrate how it is effectively managing risks to its performance and delivery, and that it is making the best use of public funds as it prioritises its activities.

Feras Alshaker, Director, Performance and Planning at ORR, said: “National Highways has generally delivered well for road users since its creation in 2015, but it is facing some big challenges in the final year of the road period. The company must address those challenges that are within its control and clearly evidence how it is positively influencing those that are not.

“ORR will continue to hold National Highways to account over the remaining months of the road period and press the company to do all it can to deliver for road users, communities and taxpayers, and to achieve the commitments set out in the road investment strategy and the company’s licence.”


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