Potholes blitz powers on in Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire County Council has proved its plans right with a pothole blitz in April – filling in more than seven thousand potholes in the spring month alone.

The incredible tally of 7,097 potholes fixed in April comes as part of the local highways authority’s pledge to continue its huge road improvement works across the county this year, said the council.

Also, across the 30 days of April, 28 footpaths have also been repaired and 26 roads have been resurfaced, too.  

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for Highways said: “When we made the promise to keep up the positive momentum of 2023 with even more in ’24, we knew it would take a serious continuation of our huge roads maintenance efforts to deliver – and we’re now seeing the effects of that commitment to the people of Lincolnshire. 

“Thanks to the £19m of extra funds that LCC has managed to put into the roads maintenance budget, and some additional funds from Government, we are able to get more crews out on the road than was possible before.  

“We’re targeting the areas that will have the biggest improvement for the most road users and we’re going far beyond what’s reported to us in terms of numbers.  

“I’m delighted that our positive improvements across the county are returning a real-world change for road users.  

“We still have a lot of work to do, we are very aware of that, but we’re moving in the right direction and continuing on the right road. It’s a mammoth job across our 5,500 miles of mostly-rural roads network, but we have never shied away from the task at hand and will continue to work extremely hard for everyone who uses our roads to travel around Lincolnshire.” 

The April figures are: 

  • Potholes reported to LCC: 2,060 
  • Potholes filled: 7,097 
  • Roads resurfaced: 26 
  • Paths repaired: 28 

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