Project EDWARD video promotes average speed enforcement for road safety

A new video has been released highlighting the value of average speed cameras in making our roads safer.

Timed to coincide with Project EDWARD week (Every Day Without a Road Death), the video explains how traffic has been calmed in Bedford by reducing speed limits and backing up those reductions by using average speed cameras to smooth traffic flow and keep vehicles sticking to the limit.

In the video, Cllr Charles Royden explains how the installation of the cameras follows appeals from residents “crying out” for them across the Borough, while the Borough’s Principle Engineer Allan Burls explains how the cameras reinforce the message that people should slow down, and that you do not see speeding on roads in the Borough in the way you used to.

The Average Speed Cameras are supplied by Jenoptik who explain in the video when they bring value to improve road safety.  You’ll also see reaction from residents supporting the cameras.

(Picture – Project EDWARD)


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