Proposed £20 million increase for Gloucestershire highways budget

Gloucestershire County Council will be able to invest an extra £20 million in highway works if a new proposal made to its Cabinet is approved next week.

It is being asked to improve a highways capital budget increase of £19.87million, plus £410,000 to develop a model to provide better understanding of future demand and analyse potential land use and major schemes.

The budget increase would be made from the following contributions, according to the council:

  • £11.2million Pothole and Challenge Fund grant from the Department for Transport for structural maintenance of carriageways and footways, concrete road renewal, bridges and structural capital projects and landslips
  • £6.59million local enterprise partnership Growth Deal Fund grant towards the West of Cheltenham Transport Improvement Scheme
  • £456,000 developer contribution towards Telstar Way/Hubble Road in Cheltenham.
  • £1million contribution from Forest of Dean District Council towards the Lydney Harbour project
  • £280,000 developer contribution towards the Cheltenham to Bishop’s Cleeve cycle track

Counciller Lynden Stowe, cabinet member for finance and change, said: “This increased investment in our capital programme will enable us to carry out a range of highways projects which will be of benefit to people across Gloucestershire, as well as look into future transport models and provide increased library stock.

“We have a good track record of sound financial management and always look to find ways to work more efficiently, so we can continue to invest. There continues to be financial challenges that we must face and manage – we are fully aware of these and monitor the situation very carefully so we can take early action when it is needed to manage any risk.”


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