Rees Jeffreys Road Fund launch Ready for the Future grant scheme

Rees Jeffreys Road Fund is launching a new grant scheme to help address significant skills gaps in the highways and transport sector.

Ready for the Future grants are intended to support the future development of roads by funding existing highways or transport professionals to acquire skills that will be necessary for highways in the future.

The Trustees of the Fund are looking to provide financial support to around five highways or transport professionals each year. Grants are available to fund study to grow or acquire skills currently in short supply or under-developed in the sector. The grants are aimed at excellent candidates who
would not normally be able to afford to study or have study funded by their employer.

Applicants can apply for a grant to cover the cost of course fees, up to the value of £10,000. There is no “prescribed” list of courses that could be funded, rather the Trustees are interested in applicants justifying their proposed course of study in terms of its future impact and benefit for the highways and transport sector.

The closing date for applications for a Ready for the Future grant is 5pm Friday 4th October 2024. For full details about how to apply visit the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund website


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