Rest and Be Thankful shut again through landslide fears

The beautiful but troubled stretch of the A83 in Scotland known as the Rest and Be Thankful is shut again because of fears of landslides, despite millions of pounds’ worth of work to try to keep it open.

There’s a Met Office Yellow Warning for heavy rain which means the road has been shut until Saturday afternoon at the earliest, because it’s feared more land will slide down onto the road.

A diversion uses a single track route through Glen Croe.

Herald Scotland reports Scotland’s Transport Minister Graeme Dey has said that improving the resilience of the A83 at the Rest and Be Thankful “is one of our top priorities” and that they were continuing to work on a permanent long term solution to the issue. He admitted to MSPs that the threat of further landslides at the Rest and Be Thankful is “scary”.

(Picture – Bear Scotland)


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