Scottish transport spending “cut by £62m”

It’s reported that the SNP/Green coalition government in Scotland has underspent on the country’s transport budget by £62 million to reflect its green ambitions.

The Daily Mail reports spending on these transport initiatives was cut “despite Scots reporting major issues with pothole-filled roads and dangerous routes between cities”.

it has been revealed that the government is majorly underspending in key roads and transport budgets despite motorists struggling with defective roads and ferry passengers dealing with unreliable vessels.

The data was published in response to a question from an MSP and showed how spending in 2021/22 fell significantly below planned budgets in many areas, including net zero initiatives.

Capital funding figures showed underspends of £27.9m for major public transport projects, £13.2m for road improvements and £21.8m for support for ferry services.

The Scottish Express says in total, only £2.09 billion of the £2.46 billion budget for the net zero, energy and transport department was spent.

(Picture – Bear Scotland)


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