Speaker line-up confirmed for TTF winter event

The Transport Technology Forum has listed the speakers who’ll be sharing training and data research knowledge at the free winter forum on 2 December.

In the morning, Dr Jill Hayden of Atkins will give an overview of the Connected Vehicle Data Research(CVDR) project sponsored by the DfT before Darren Capes of the DfT outlines the Covid-19 Data Impacts – Insights and learnings from the project since the project started and observations on impact on mobility behaviours. Finally a talk on the RAC Foundation – “Driven by Information: What needs to become true to unlock the benefits of connected vehicles” will be given by Andy Graham of White Willow Consulting.

In the afternoon the focus turns to training with Mark Morris of Arup talking about the launch of TTF’s Procurement Guidance report – This guidance aims to provide the knowledge and insights to improve the procurement of ITS and traffic technologies. John McCarthy, also of Arup then talks about the TTF’s Cyber Security Guidance report – the forum’s signposting repository has been developed to help navigate relevant cyber security resources. Then Darren Capes speaks again, this time with Martin Davies of the IET on the IET-supported training hub for C-ITS before delegates hear about the UK Connected and Automated Mobility Roadmap to 2030 from Tristan Bacon of Zenzic.

The sessions are both 90 minutes, one between 10.30am and midday and the other from 2pm to 3.30.

You can sign up here.


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