Speed cameras and cycling and bus priority considered for busy route in Coventry

Transport planners are looking at plans to reduce the amount of traffic on a busy rat run in Coventry, including putting in a dedicated cycle lane and encouraging cars to take a bigger A road alternative by prioritising buses.

CoventryLive reports that planners are looking to cut congestion on on Foleshill Road, and are now consulting with residents along a one-and-a-half mile stretch.

The report says around 31,000 cars use the road each day, many as a cut-through between the A444 and Coventry Ring Road. They’re looking at putting in more average speed cameras to improve safety and reduce emissions after others went live at the end of last month.

The report quotes Cllr Patricia Hetherton, cabinet member for city services, as saying, “Foleshill Road is a busy vibrant route but the high amounts of traffic using the route contributes to a poor quality environment near shops; poor air quality for residents due to traffic build up; a knock-on effect on bus reliability due to congestion and difficulties for cyclists to use the road safely.”

(Picture – Google Maps)


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