Stamp it Out secures funding from Kent CC for county-wide rollout

Stamp it Out, the industry led programme aiming to make roadworker abuse socially unacceptable, have received funding from the Kent Lane Rental scheme for a county-wide rollout of the programme.

To take place in the new year, the rollout will encompass not only highways workers but also will include the Highways Inspectors, employed directly by the local authority and will include:

  • Interface with the Stamp it Out Jarvis app and data warehouse, enabling a single data point for all incidents across the county
  • Deployment of the conflict avoidance training to all public facing highways and waste collections employees.
  • Significant Stamp it Out signage deployed across the county, indicating the council’s zero tolerance approach to abuse of its workforce.

Supplementary to this, Stamp it Out has undertaken to investigate the possibility of integrating the Jarvis reporting tool in to the HAUC app, thus enabling the same level of data capture from utilities contractors across the county.

Expressing his delight at the announcement, Kevin Robinson, programme director for Stamp it Out and CEO of Safer Highways said: “I would like to express enormous gratitude to Kent Country Council for the award of not an insignificant level of funding to roll out the programme across the county.

”Alongside a significant level of media activity which aims to interface with the road-using public, the funding will enable to rollout of each element of the programme, delivering substantial benefits to the workforce.”


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