Aberdeen council criticised after fining 2,000 drivers in first 11 days of new LEZ

Scottish Conservative MSP Liam Kerr criticised Aberdeen City Council after figures revealed 1,956 penalty charges were issued to motorists between June 1 and June 11. Drivers are given £60 charges if their vehicles entering LEZ areas do not comply with emissions standards but the fines are reduced by 50% if paid within 2 weeks, says […]

Scotland enforces three new Low Emission Zones 

After Dundee’s Low Emission Zone (LEZ) went live this morning, and with Aberdeen and Edinburgh set to follow suit at the weekend, RAC head of policy Simon Williams has issued a statement. “Drivers in Dundee should be prepared for Low Emission Zone (LEZ) enforcement from this [today], while those in Aberdeen and Edinburgh will be […]

Active Travel appeals to Scots

Aberdeen residents want to drive less and at the same time walk, cycle or wheel more, research for a national report has revealed. This latest Sustrans Walking and Cycling Index shows 23% of residents want to drive less, 50% of residents want to walk or wheel more, and 47% want to cycle more. Aberdeen City […]

Aberdeen starts LEZ sign installation

Signs are about to go up warning of a new low emission zone in Aberdeen city centre. As part of a Scotland-wide programme, LEZs are being introduced in Scotland’s four biggest cities, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, and Aberdeen. The councils say the objective of introducing these LEZs is to tackle air pollution in city centres, mainly […]

Scottish Government urged to halt LEZ introduction

There are calls for the Scottish Government to “pause and review” plans to introduce low emission zones in Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen, as official figures show air quality levels are within legal limits in all three cities. The Scottish Mail on Sunday quotes Scotland’s transport spokesman Graham Simpson as saying: “The Scottish Government’s own data […]

New bus priority leads to better journeys in Aberdeen

Aberdeen Council is reporting that almost 600,000 bus passengers a month are experiencing better journeys because of the new bus priority routes in Aberdeen city centre. Two months on from their introduction, new figures from First Aberdeen and Stagecoach suggest the bus gates are delivering measurable benefits for bus passengers across the region. The priority […]

Scottish LEZ projects “already cost £36m”

Preparation work for Low Emission Zones in four cities in Scotland has cost £36 million before any of them are up and running. The Scottish Daily Express reports the schemes being set up in Glasgow (pictured), Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee have run up costs for grants given to councils to help them run their schemes […]


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