Cruise Origin: GM ends production of custom-designed driverless car

General Motors have indefinitely suspended production of its self-driving Cruise Origin robotaxi. The company will refocus on using the Chevy Bolt EV, which Cruise has already been using. A modified version will go into production next year. The Origin created “regulatory uncertainty” owing to its design, GM CEO Mary Barra said in her letter to shareholders […]

Cruise to soft-launch in Dallas after San Francisco recall

Cruise have announced a soft-launch in Dallas, although they will not be using their autonomous systems. Instead, the vehicles will be operated by a human, will only drive through a limited geographic area and will be measured against predetermined safety benchmarks.  The GM subsidiary was set to launch in Dallas at the end of last […]

Wayve set to take on US AV tech giants

British autonomous vehicle firm Wayve has announced that it is hiring staff who would be responsible for “supervising and directing a team of drivers and safety operators, and overseasing on-road experimentation and development” based out of Mountain View in the San Francisco Bay Area. The London-based driverless vehicle oioneers are planning to put cars on […]

San Francisco: Cruise to halve its driverless fleet after recent crashes

Cruise has agreed to reduce its driverless taxi operation in San Francisco by 50% after two separate crashes involving its vehicles. The California Department of Motor Vehicles said in a statement that it is investigating “recent concerning incidents involving Cruise vehicles” and that the company agreed to its request to reduce the number of operating […]

Cruise settles with pedestrian injured in robotaxi incident

General Motors Co.’s autonomous-car unit reached an $8 million to $12 million settlement with a pedestrian who was dragged by one of its vehicles in San Francisco, according to Claims Journal. The settlement was struck earlier this year and the injured pedestrian is now reported to be out of hospital. In the October incident, the […]

Cruise return to the streets for the first time since ‘pedestrian-dragging’ incident

Cruise’s autonomous vehicles are officially back on the road and driving autonomously for the first time since one of its driverless vehicles dragged a pedestrian over 20 feet in San Francisco. Cruise said last month that it would resume testing with manually driven vehicles focused on mapping and gathering road information — minor tasks for a company with as […]

Autonomous taxis: ‘Mixed Messages’ on US$470bn Market Readiness

Over the last three to four years, the driverless robotaxi industry has begun to flourish. Driverless services are coming online in multiple cities across the US and China. IDTechEx‘s recent report, “Future Automotive Technologies 2024-2034: Applications, Megatrends, Forecasts“, predicts that the driverless robotaxi industry will be generating over US$470 billion annually through services in 2034. This […]

Cruise resumes robotaxi tests

General Motors’ self-driving brand Cruise will resume tests for its robotaxi service, the company announced yesterday, months after Cruise suspended operations amid scrutiny of its driverless cars, which increased after Forbes reported a pedestrian was inadvertently dragged by one of the company’s vehicles. Cruise will evaluate its autonomous vehicles without human drivers as part of its next […]

Cruise issues statement after October accident

The leadership team of autonomous robotaxi firm Cruise has posted an update on X, following the involvement of one of their vehicles in a serious accident in October. The GM-funded company had a licence to carry passengers without human drivers throughout the city of San Francisco. Cruise, which has reportedly lost up to $6 billion […]

GM halves funding for driverless Cruise division

General Motors is cutting a billion dollars (£788 million) of spending from its driverless taxi division Cruise, but insists it remains committed to the self-driving project. Reuters has analysed the company’s finances and says Cruise spent $1.9 billion in cash during 2023, and recorded a $2.7 billion pretax loss, not including $500 million in restructuring […]


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