Transport East begins consultation on regional transport plan for the next 30 years

Transport East has chosen six major routes for development to form its regional transport plan over the next 30 years. Originally, there were 55 routes identified as needing investment in the region which includes Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex. Now, an eight-week consultation will begin this week to further find insight into the ‘challenges and issues’ […]

TfL completes work to improve safety on Battersea Bridge

Transport for London (TfL) has completed work to make walking at Battersea Bridge safer. The changes are part of TfL’s Vision Zero commitment to improve road safety with the goal of eliminating death and serious injury on the road network. This work was brought forward following the tragic death of Jack Ryan earlier this year, […]

Union Connectivity Review points to better transport links needed in Wales and Scotland

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has committed to forging and strengthening transport bonds that will create a more cohesive and connected United Kingdom. As the UK Government publishes Sir Peter Hendy’s final report of the Union Connectivity Review, the Prime Minister has underlined the importance of better connections – on both local and national transport networks […]

WJ and BEAR Scotland lead the way in sustainable road design

A collaborative approach between road marking experts, WJ Scotland, and BEAR Scotland has brought significant carbon savings of 1,778 tonnes across Scotland’s North East Trunk Road Network. The partnership has seen BEAR Scotland use WJ’s award-winning high-performance road marking, Weatherline Plus, to enhance road safety across the north east of Scotland and align to Transport Scotland’s […]

Fife Council confirms £100 million investment in Levenmouth region

Fife Council has confirmed a £100 million investment in the Levenmounth area over the next few years. This weeks councillors at Levenmouth Area Committee heard several reports detailing the partnership work bringing these improvements. The first is the Levonmouth Connectivity Project which has seen active travel routes been identified to the proposed railway stations in […]

Coeval technology now available via the TTAS framework

Infrastructure technology provider Coeval has won a place on three lots as part of the Transport Technology and Associated Services (TTAS) framework. The three lots cover: Transport & Pedestrian Control, Transport Signage & Lighting and the Catalogue. Managed by Crown Commercial Services, TTAS is the next iteration of the successful Traffic Management Technology 2 (TMT2) […]

Buckinghamshire Council lodges appeals against six HS2 lorry route decisions

Buckinghamshire Council has issued judicial review proceedings against decisions made by the Planning Inspectors in respect of Schedule 17 lorry route approvals submitted by HS2 Limited. Councillor Steven Broadbent, Cabinet Member for Transport at the Council said: “The decision to go ahead and take these appeals to the High Court is the right thing to […]

New Strategic Transport Corridor in Sunderland open to traffic

Sunderland’s new dual carriageway, linking the Northern Spire bridge to the city centre, has officially opened. The third phase of the Sunderland Strategic Transport Corridor (SSTC3) project is now complete, after being in progress since May 2019. The new road has been delivered by Esh Construction on behalf of Sunderland City Council. It forms part […]


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