Signal control best practice highlighted in Manual for Smart Streets

Local authorities are being given valuable advice on how to best design signal installations, with a detailed use case in the new Manual for Smart Streets. The Manual for Smart Streets or MfSS is an interactive web resource delivering guidance to ensure road authorities understand the issues around the development, specification, procurement, and use of […]
New Local Authority transport technology resource highlighted at Innovation Festival

Local authority delegates and their advisers attending the LCRIG Innovation Festival next week will be reminded of a huge new resource being available to them by the Department for Transport through the Transport Technology Forum which will help them maximise the effectiveness of technology to deliver new and improved services to users. The Manual for […]
TTF highlights benefits of Manual for Smart Streets

Darren Capes, Manager of the Transport Technology Forum (TTF) and ITS Policy Lead at the Department for Transport (DfT) has highlighted the ”need to produce guidance to ensure local authorities do the right thing” during a presentation where he introduced the Manual for Smart Streets. He said the DfT had recently produced guidance on the […]
Issues raised at the Transport Technology Forum conference discussed on Highways Voices

We get the views of six different experts and users of transport technology in today’s Highways Voices, as we chat to people at the Transport Technology Forum Annual Conference in Leeds. Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode! One of the ITS industry’s leading experts Andy Graham is […]
Manual for Smart Streets launched at TTF Conference

A new guide to provide guidance to support local authorities in implementing technology that supports traffic management and the operation of streets has been launched at the Transport Technology Forum Conference in Leeds. The Manual for Smart Streets – produced by the TTF and Connected Places Catapult includes use cases on how traffic signals will […]
If transport is to get funding, it needs to tell the right story – opinion

One of the architects of a major new reference document to guide local authorities in using technology to deliver service, has explained how it is vital authorities can clearly explain why such investment is so important. Darren Capes from the Department for Transport has written a blog post promoting the Manual for Smart Streets which […]
Manual for Smart Streets launch event on Monday 21 March

The Connected Places Catapult will officially launch the Manual for Smart Streets at an online event from 1.30pm on Monday 21 March. Sign up here. The Manual is intended to provide guidance to support local authorities in implementing technology that supports traffic management and the operation of streets. This includes how traffic signals will develop to connect […]
Manual for Smart Streets explained

One of the authors of a major new reference document for local authorities to make their roads more efficient has issued a blog post explaining more about it. Mobility Integration Team Lead at Connected Places Catapult, Daniel Hobbs, is working with colleagues and the Transport Technology Forum on the Manual for Smart Streets, which highlights […]
How to make streets smarter on this week’s Highways Voices

Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode! “The Manual for Smart Streets is intended to provide guidance to support local authorities in implementing technology that supports traffic management and the operation of streets,” explains New Mobility Technology Integration expert Daniel Hobbs of the Connected Places Catapult on this […]
CPC seeks Manual for Smart Streets Feedback

The Connected Places Catapult is asking local authorities and their advisers to help shape the new Manual for Smart Streets documentation by feeding back on the project so far. The Manual is a series of documents to provide guidance to authorities for the delivery of the technology-driven services that enable traffic management in our increasingly digital world The CPC […]