Tesla accused of “testing unfinished driverless tech on its users”

A federal agency is calling for tougher requirements on testing autonomous driving, and the proposed changes could eventually force Tesla to change how it rolls out features to customers.

American website 360APROKO reports that the US National Transportation Safety Board is calling for stronger federal requirements for the design and use of automated driving systems on public roads. It quotes a letter to its sister agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in which NTSB chief Robert Sumwalt named Tesla 16 times in calling for sweeping change.

“Tesla recently released a beta version of its Level 2 Autopilot system, described as having full self-driving capability. By releasing the system, Tesla is testing on public roads a highly automated AV technology but with limited oversight or reporting requirements,” the website quotes. “NHTSA’s hands-off approach to oversight of AV testing poses a potential risk to motorists and other road users.”

In the past, the report adds, the NHTSA’s Deputy Administrator James Owens has said he did not want to “stymie innovation” with premature regulation. Instead, the agency left the task mostly to states.

(Picture – Tesla)


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