TfWM on the search for partner to design, build and install sensors for its Key Route Network

Transport for West Midlands and West Midlands 5G are looking for a partner to design, build and install a sensor network for the West Midlands Key Route Network.

The procurement will see a partner work with the two organisations with the aim is to improve our modelling and real time management capability but also look at advanced use cases. Considerations include supporting connected/autonomous vehicles and using machine vision to get new insights on how vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists move through junctions. A key consideration is the use of new communications techniques such as 5G, NB-IOT and LTE-M.

Transport for West Midlands would welcome JVs/consortia to apply including but not limited to sensor providers, design companies and communications providers.

The contract value is expected to be in the region of £3 million and awarded next year.

Funding has been possible thanks to the Department of Transport and Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

For more information and the full contract notice as well as how to apply to the Selection Questionnaire click below and : (look for 5G enabled road sensing project)


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