The world introduced to traditional British afternoon tea on UK Pavilion in Dubai

The Transport Technology Forum and Innovate UK have together shared afternoon tea to the multinational audience at the ITS World Congress in Dubai.

The networking session took place on the first full day of the five-day event on the central stand in the exhibition hall, which is showcasing UK ITS and the work of stand participants AECOMAGD Systems, ANGOKA, Aurrigo, Clearview Intelligence, Immense, Neology, Nicander, Now Wireless, Starling Technologies, Westcotec and Zenzic.

Participants estimate more than a hundred visitors from around the world enjoyed a mix of sandwiches, cakes and scones with cream and jam, along with tea and coffee, during the three hour session, which was organised by LCRIG, the Local Council Roads Innovation Group, which is managing the Pavilion.

This is one of a number of ways the delegates and exhibition visitors at the Congress are being invited to meet the UK contingent, along with an ITS Nationals Network breakfast organised by ITS UK on Wednesday, a visit from the British Ambassador and a panel session with experts from the UK and ERTICO – ITS Europe, both on Thursday, and the official international launch of the Birmingham’s hosting of the 2027 ITS World Congress which takes place on Friday.

“I’m loving the buzz on the stand,” commented LCRIG Director Kerry Winstanley, who’s managing the Pavilion. “We’re meeting people from all around the world who know that the UK is a real leader in ITS innovation, and on top of that we’re seeing great conversations between our stand participants who look like they’re coming up with ways to work together to solve our transport challenges.”

(Picture – TTF)


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