TMP launches the new environmentally friendly Manchester bio-polymer bollard

TMP, one of the the leading traffic management product brands, has announced
the launch of its latest product within its sustainable product range.

The new Manchester Bio Bollard uses a bio-polymer derived from sugar cane*.
Suzanne Day, Managing Director of TMP, said: “Focusing on environmental best practices and
honouring the internationally recognised Green Apple Environment Award for Helping the Environment, we have selected the Manchester bollard as an
optimal choice for our second bio-polymer bollard.”

According to the company, when sugar cane grows, it absorbs CO2. This carbon capture reduces the carbon levels in the atmosphere – a negative carbon footprint. Sugar cane production is regulated and adheres to local and international sustainability standards. Plantations are prohibited from expanding into areas that would negatively impact biodiversity. They do not take away arable land for farming, so there is no impact on food security
and availability.

TMP’s core product range includes Passively Safe traffic bollards, fully compliant for on-highway use, versatile street furniture bollards made from a recyclable polymer perfect for cycle routes, car parks and pedestrian areas, and energy-efficient LED traffic sign lights. 


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