The group responsible for overseeing traffic open products and specifications is seeking input from the traffic signals user community on how specifications could best support traffic control and network operation services.
TOPAS says the widespread uptake of CCTV and diverse other sensing technologies and IoT devices has increased the quantity and diversity of traffic data available to users. However, they add, the lack of standardisation in how data is organised and presented makes it difficult to use.
Working with the Association of Road Traffic Safety and Management, ARTSM, they are reviewing what they think is achievable in this area with the objective of supporting better traffic control and network management.
They have begun a scoping study to assess whether there are existing standards for detection data in other fields, or whether this is an area where a dedicated new specification could be developed. Therefore they are seeking “input, needs and wants” from the user community to determine how such a specification would best support their traffic control and network operation services.
Please contact with any input or questions.