Transport Scotland sets out A9 plan

New procurement rules to find contractors to dual the A9 and a raft of safety measures are being promised by Transport Scotland to sort out notorious road.

The letter from Lawrence Shackman, the director of major projects at Transport Scotland was written to the Inverness Courier in response to the newspaper’s crisis summit on the issue.

The letter promises a Scottish Government update on the scheme in autumn will contain a new timescale for completion.

Among safety improvements are new rumble road markings and Illuminated road studs at key junctions, plus new signs and road markings to emphasise the transitions between dual and single carriageways and also to remind drivers when they are on a single carriageway with two way traffic an education campaigns on fatigue awareness and ‘drive on the left’, targeting visitors to Scotland.

You can read the full letter here (with thanks to the Inverness Courier).

(Picture – Google Streetview)


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