TTF data project wins more recognition

Fresh from being awarded the Project of the Year prize at the ITS (UK) Awards, the Transport Technology Forum has been highly commended in a civil engineering awards ceremony for its work to understand changes in travel patterns due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The Transport Technology Forum, working with Arup and White Willow Consulting, supported the Department for Transport in understanding how lockdown had impacted traffic, and continued to supply vital information as stay-at-home restrictions were eased.

That project won a the highly commended recognition in the Covid-19 Response category at the New Civil Engineer British Construction Industry Awards. The overall winner of that category was the construction of a Nightingale Hospital.

Although the DfT is well informed about traffic on the Strategic Road Network through Highways England, it had had limited visibility on other roads with much of the data being held locally. The project brought local authorities together and, along with commercial data suppliers, enabled the collection, processing and visualisation of more than 16 million travel movements during the lockdown period and beyond.

The weekly reports are available here.


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